Sunday, May 2, 2010

Time for Flowers

I waited until May 1st before I planted my flowers - just like Mom always said to do.

This old wheelbarrow is one that my husband dug out of the creek and hauled home for me.
He is such a good junker.
The flowers are a hanging basket that I bought from Home Depot for $15.
I think that is cheaper than buying a flat of single plants to fill such a big container.
And it is full right away which beats waiting for the singles to fill in the gaps.
Instant gratification.

I think it filled it up rather nicely.
Hopefully they keep spreading, cover the top, and start hanging over the sides.

Arbor Day Garage Sales

We went to Nebraska City during their Arbor Day Celebration. NOT for the celebration . . but for the garage sales. :)
It was a beautiful spring day and prices were LOW. We had good luck and found some really great finds.

The quilts are cutter quilts.

The little table was $1.

The suitcases are Skyway and were $1 each.

I found some vases for my white pottery collection and a cool pop bottle for my pop bottle collection.

The little black handweight was $1. I just saw those in the Restoration Hardware catalog.

Have you seen that catalog lately?! It's fabulous!