Thursday, April 5, 2012

Around The House

We have some junk around our house that I would like to show you.

This stuff is in our dining room.

Old suitcases on an antique hutch.

A lamp, that my husband made, from an old reel type, push lawn mower.

And some baseballs in an old ceiling light fixture on a set of piano mover casters.

Spring Flowers

I just love fresh flowers.

Last night, my husband brought home these beauties.

There's nothing like the smell of fresh lilacs!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Chalkboard Art

My latest obsession is chalkboard art.
Like the work done by Dana Tanamachi.

I have seen her work on Pinterest and also featured by The Nester in her blog.
Miss Mustard Seed just mentioned Dana and chalkboard art in her blog as well.

Being an art major with a little typography under my belt, I decided to give it a try on the kid's easel chalkboard. 

Not too shabby for my first attempt.  I really like how it jazzes up a chalkboard. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Obsession - Maps & Globes

Images from my Pinterest Boards